Thursday, July 2, 2020

Project 2, Part 1

ISO: 400 F22 SS:1/125
ISO: 800 F22  SS:1/125

ISO: 1600 F22 SS: 1/200
ISO: 6400 F22 SS: 1/100


  1. Photo 1: I loved how you put your main focus into the center of the picture. The clock is the first thing I am drawn too. The way you used framing I believe lets your eyes just fall onto the page and you see the bright colors behind the clock make the image really explode with color.

    Photo 2: Great job again with the framing. The very front you can see the texture in what looks like a rock. Also there are lines on the picture that force your eyes to the bright colors behind in the background. Also, the mural overall was captured not only in the first picture but second picture as well. The different colors really bring a different look to the photos. Great Job!


Project 6 - Final Post